About ECW
of St. Mary's, Laguna Beach
"To provide women of St. Mary's Church the opportunity to come together for mutual support, fun, fellowship, spiritual growth and service to others."
What We Do, Where We Meet, and More
The St. Mary’s Chapter of ECW is a great way for women in the St. Mary’s community to come together in faith, relationship, service, and shared opportunities.
Relationship is built into our monthly meetings, which are held the Second Tuesday of the Month at an ECW Member's Home.
Our mission is to support women and ministry throughout the world.
Our vision is to become a vibrant blend of all ages, shining and sharing the love of Christ.
We plan and enjoy fun-fundraising activities benefiting local, national and global causes. ECW welcomes women from all walks of life to meet, connect and participate. Carpooling can be arranged for those who don't drive. We extend a warm welcome in hopes you'll share your creativity, ideas, serve on various committees, join in our faith-filled fellowship, share in the fun, and find spiritual growth through this highly interconnected organization.
Be sure to check the Blast, Sunday Bulletins, Announcements and Website for
upcoming activities.